Hermann Florstedt

Hermann Florstedt (February 18, 1895 – April 15, 1945) (NSDAP-488 573, SS-8660), born in Bitsch, became the third Commandant of Majdanek concentration camp in October 1942.

A World War I veteran, Florstedt was awarded the Iron Cross.

Brought into Majdanek to replace Max Kögel, Florstedt had earlier served at Sachsenhausen from 1940-1942.

He was replaced by the interim commander Martin Gottfried Weiss, after the SS charged him with embezzlement and arbitrarily killing prisoners - having been investigated by SS Judge Georg Konrad Morgen. He was executed by the SS on April 15, 1945.

He was alleged to have had an affair with Ilse Koch.

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